sunnuntai 21. toukokuuta 2017

Veronique Enginger-A,B,C,Chromo some more yellow roses to my table clothe...

Olen nyt viettänyt mekein kuukauden kipsi jalassa leikkaukseni jälkeen ja minulla on ollut aikaa pistellä ja ommella liinaa..

tässä toinen työ samasta sarjasta... ensimmäisen teinkin kulta- kanakaalle ja hiukan eri langansävyjä käyttäen...

tästä työstä tykkään ihan yhtä paljoin kuin noista kahdesta ensimmäisestäkin...

Printeisellä kirjonnalla tehtävään liinaan olen ommellut jo neljä ruususua ja viides on jo aloitettuna.

Hyvää alkukesää kaikille jotka vielä luette blgiani suomeksi..

olen hiukan suunnitellut vaihtavana tämän kirjoituskieleksi kokonaan siis vain englannin eli olisi kiva kuulla sopiikose teille muille !?


Hello my blogging friends!!

My surgery went well but after it I was in very bad pain..Week after week the pain is better now and today I decided to share picture with you.

I like French stitching style a lot and famous Veronique E. is one of my favorites..she designes lovely romantic flowers pictures as is her A.B.C In Colors pattern.. above is three small stitches I have done after the operation to keep me not thinking my pains so much.

The table clothe has get some more roses too -they are stitched with the traditional embroidery stitches.

These roses I have on my living room ..they grow beautifully on the white decorated pots.

10 kommenttia:

  1. Maija I am praying for you.♥ Your stitching is beautiful. I like Veronique Enginger also. Your tablecloth is gorgeous.

  2. I wish you a speedy recovery. I love the fabric with the glitter and your stitching is again fabulous. Sunny Greetings from New Orleans, Alice

  3. Beautiful roses! Embroidered also in the garden!

  4. Beautiful stitched roses, and your real roses are beautiful also.
    Hope your pain is now gone hugs.

  5. I'm glad your surgery was successful and you are beginning to feel better! Hope you are pain-free very soon!! Love your stitching--that little bird is so sweet :)

  6. So good to hear that everything went well with your surgery and that you are on the mend. I'm glad that the pain has improved a lot and that you are feeling so much better.
    Great little pieces that you stitched. And that table cloth looks gorgeous.

  7. I am happy the op went well. Your stitching is awesome! The real flowers are beautiful too.
