lauantai 20. elokuuta 2016

A Romantic card to Arja-Liisa and other pretty things...

Aurinkoista Lauantaita!

Askartelin Arja-Liisalle romanttisen kortin ja ,yllätys, käytin Pion Designen iki-ihania Paris Flea Market papereita.Koristeena on Priman kukkia,pitsinauhaa,vanha korurasian avain ,samettilankaa yms.

Hieno rouva Ruusuhatussaan ja resiinikoriste kruunu....

Hatun kukkien värit toistuvat koristelussa...

Alareunaan laitoin pienen ruusuisen 3d kuvankin. Tätä oli aivan ihana koota !

Vaikka minulla onkin muutama  työ jo meneillään tämä ihanuus oli pakko saada ,se oli hyvin edullinen fb.n Ristipistokirpparilla. Työ on Dimensionin, ei laskettava, "Rose Cottage " .

Työn mität ovat 35x50 cm.

Hello my blogging friends!

I have made a romantic card to my new fb friend Arja-Liisa who is very talented needle worker.
She likes most to stitch pieces from Mirabilia ,John Clayton and is specialiced to stitch amazingly beautiful Ladies in the evening gowns.Her works are so high quality!

Not a surprise I choosed her my prettiest papers and largest flowers! She liked the a lot!

Yes ,Yes I know I have enough Wips BUT this piece really caught my attention. It was sold in our fb. flea market and its called "Rose Cottage" It is Dimensions  No count piece but have large amount of small and even tiny areas to full fill with those little crosses we like so much!

Thank You for leaving the comments!

With Blessings,Lumiruusu

10 kommenttia:

  1. What a lovely card. Rose Cottage is so very pretty Maja. So is your pink bouquet!

  2. A wonderful romantic card, it is so you. And what a great project you started with the Rose Cottage. Who wouldn't love to live in such a cottage, or at least spend the holidays there.

  3. Todella upea ja superromanttinen kortti ja kiva pistelytyö on valmistumassa.

  4. Thats a lovely card . You found a treasure at the flea market.

  5. What a beautiful project to be working on :)

  6. Always such a lovely post .
    Love the card you made and I love your stitching it is beautiful .
    Pretty pink flowers .

  7. Fabulous card your made and the Rose Cottage looks great, what a treasure from the flea market. The flowers are so sweet in pinks. Enjoy!

  8. Your creations are always so lovely--you choose the softest, prettiest colors!! Lovely card for your friend :)

  9. gorgeous card :o)
    Rose Cottage is very pretty!
    Hugs xx
