torstai 21. huhtikuuta 2016

Happy Hummingbird project bag stitched by me- finished by Sari.H.

Hei taas !

Pistelin iloisen pienen kolibrin pari vuotta sitten..tarkoituksena oli tehdä rivi näitä kauniita lintuja mutta väsähdin kai  tiheään kankaaseen ja moniin värivaihtoihin...

 Kolibri-parka oli surullisena kaapissa kunnes saimme oivallisen ajatuksen viimeistellä se sellaisenaan joksikin hyödylliseksi . Sarin taidoilla siitä tuli reilunkokoinen pussukka johon mahtuu a4 kokoinen malli tai rp.lehti sisälle.

Sari  oli ommellut ihanat pienet paljetti /helmikoristeet käsin !

Taakse sommiteltu rusetti on samoin käsin ommeltu ..huom..pienet helmet !!!
Kiitos tuhannesti ihana ystäväni!


Hello again !

Yes I am cross stitch starter and sometimes its happens sadly  that stitching really goes to the  UFO pile. Sari asked me I have some UFO pieces that are almost finished and could be made to something else if we add there some Sari.H creativity.
I found two pieces and the first one is Happy Little Hummingbird who should have get some of her friends also stitched in a row...BUT He is still alone.

Sari  made it as a pretty quite large project bag and I really love how it turned out.She stitched by hand sequins and pearls to it and all the ribbons are also so my style !! My dear Sister and friend Sari  is a treasure to hold.!!! Thank you again very much for this finishing!

Thank you for all sweet comments,you are all really dear to me !!

With Blessings,Lumiruusu

16 kommenttia:

  1. The creativity of the two of you together is a wonderful thing.
    Thank you for praying for me dear Maja. I am trying to get better.

  2. Oi, minä muistan kun sinä aloit tekemään tuota kolibria, minusta se on niiiin ihana, huoh! Hieno pussukka, kolibri kruunaa sen. Kevätterkuin, Eila:)

  3. Suloisuuden huippu jälleen.

    Vinkkaan, että blogissani olisi ihana arvonta menossa.

  4. What a win! :D Well done!! Lucky you for having such a creative friend around ;)
    Congrats to both :D Sweet hugs!!!

  5. I wish I had a friend like Sari H! She always finishes your pretty stitching so beautifully. A great partnership!

  6. You and Sari make a great team! I really love the hummingbird on that sparkly fabric :)

  7. Love what was done with the little hummingbird. Very cute!

  8. You are so lucky to have a friend in Sari to share your passion. Wonderful friendship and her stitching and sewing is always so beautiful.

  9. Kaunis kolibri koristaa nyt käytännöllista projektipussukkaa, hienoa työtä:)

  10. Love the hummingbird work, it's very pretty!

  11. A beautiful collaboration! I always look forward to the arrival of the hummingbirds. : )

  12. Una amistad muy bonita con tu hermana !!!! el colibrí es una preciosidad ,me ha enamorado !

  13. The bag turned out lovely. Lucky you to have Sari as your friend. When I picked up cross stitching after a gap of few years in 2007, I picked a small hummingbird pattern to stitch :)
    Thank you for feedback about Riolis kits.

  14. Oh, so wonderful, how Saro used your sweet little hummingbird piece. You make up a great team together.

  15. Such a lovely little humming bird stitch and Saro made a lovely bag .Very pretty.
