lauantai 22. elokuuta 2015

The Country Companions Cross Stitched Birthday Card I made and some Princess CrossStitch gift from Anne


Ihanaa elokuiusta viikonloppua!

Kolmen Emännän Rp.kerhon jäsen Pirkko vietti elien synttäreitä  ja pistelin hänelle ilmaiskitin jo mökillä ja  kotona viimeistelin sen loppukesän viljankeltaisin kukin  yms. tarpein telinekortiksi.

Kukissa on pieniä nappeja yms.somaa koristeena..

Rakas rp.ystäväni  "Prinsessa Anne " tervehti  mitä ystävällisimmin  "Prinsessa Maijaa " ja lähetti ihanan Prinsessa ja Herne -aiheisen koristetyynyn joka on pistelty huikean tiheälle 40 count  natural pellavalle .

Prinsessaisella on tietenkin vaaleanpunainen mekko ja söötti sydän-nuppineula valtikkana :)

Rp.työn lisäksi paketissa oli Kissa-peltirasia Minna Immosen iki-kalenteri yms. kaunista :)

Kiitos Anne-kulta tuhannesti uskomattomasta yllätyksestä Tähän on pakko lisätä kuin vanhassa TV-mainoksessa tuelavn vuoden varalle "Tarkkaile postiasi ! ;)

Viime viikonlopun sain olla Kirsin luona vieraana kun vietimme Mari V. ,Kirsi H: ja minä "mini-rp.tapaamisen :) Mutta se vaatii ihan oman postauksen :)

Kiitos kommenteista!


Hello Ladies !

My sweet friend and Sister in Faith Pirkko-Liisa had her birthday yesterday and we celebrated  it in the meeting of  our tiny Cross Stitching Club of Three Ladies  Pirkko get a great amount of gifts both shopped and self-made. She loves everything cute and happy like Disney or other licenced characters so the free kit from WOX was a great start for my crafting.. She liked that Country Companions Birthday card I made for her a lot and her smile told me that  it was worth of all the effort I put to it.

Last monday was my turn to be amazed again about the generosity of the fellow stitchers-My lovely friend and the other lady who is also called always "Princess"  Her Stitching Majesty Princess Anne of  Northern Finland  send me a amazinly cute gifts "just because the Princesses do so ".

She must know that i really like the story about Princess and the Pea and isnt that small pillow just darling !!! Andall the gifts too!  Thank you so very much dear friend !

I want to thank you for all the sweet comments-next timeI will show the pictures and tell you howwonderfull time I had last weekend when I visitied Kirsi ,the lady who I have done  with our famous  Advent Calender  SWAPS. This Christmas we will have something called The Shoe Box Christmas Treasure..sounds pretty interesting!!????

With Blessings,Lumiruusu

11 kommenttia:

  1. That card you made for your friend is so cute. No wonder that she liked it. And that little hanging pillow with the Princess on the Pea is just as sweet. Great finishing.

  2. What beautiful gifts you send each other! I love how you embellished the card for Faith, and such a gorgeous pillow from Princess Anne.

  3. haha! Your princess friend makes pretty gifts! ;) Your card is precious. I am praying!

  4. Hello

    What a very cute card you made and the gifts are beautiful! I love the Princess pillow.
    You have a lovely blog. x

  5. Hyvänen aika tätä kaikkea ihanuutta.

  6. SO cute! Love country companions, your cross stitch is beautiful.

  7. What a darling card and all the stitching is lovely. That mini rose is so pretty.

  8. Ihana, todellinen prinsessa yllätyspaketti!!!
    Mukavaa elokuun jatkoa!

  9. Oi, miten suloisen kortin olet tehnyt ja ihanaisen prinsessapaketin olet saanut Annelta.

  10. I love your card :o) so cute!!
    What lovely gifts you received... the Princess and the Pea pillow is just lovely :o)
    I am so pleased that we managed to find each other on FB the other day!
    Hugs xx

  11. Such an adorable and cute card you have stitched.
    The Princess and the Pea looks lovely, enjoy your wonderful gift.
