maanantai 14. helmikuuta 2011

Valentines Day Swap with Leonie

Ihanaa ystävänpäivää!

Seasons of My Mind-blogin Valentines Day-Swap
oli ihana kokemus,Parsley oli valinnut parikseni Leonien
Australiasta ,siis maaapallon toiselta puolelta !

Leonie oli koonnut aivan ihanan vaihdon.
Ja kyllä,hänkin oli pistellyt M.Sherryn kissan,
sain ison ja upean kahvimukin alusen .
Noni oli tutkinut blogiani ja niinpä sain hurmaavan
pinkin parfyymi-pullon,ja juuri minulle suunnitellun saksikoristeen
jossa on strassikoristeinen kissa,kristallihelmiä ja nimikirjaimeni.
Lahjapussikin on niin hieno että se saa palvella projektikassina.

Margaret Sherryn kitti- Cat Love oli kaapissani kuin odottamassa
tätä vaihtoa. Viimeistelin sen pinkeepiksi ja laitoin koristeeksi
valkoista puuvilla-pitsiä.

Noni tykkää fantasiaiheista ja nalleista joten laitoin mukaan
The Flower Fairyes -mallin ja Tatty Teddy-kitin.
Hello Kitty -karkit tuntuivat aiheeseen sopivilta :)

Pinkeepin taustaksi valitsin Tilda-ruusukangasta ja
yllätyksenä oli vielä Ruusun-sävyistä huulirasvaa.

Happy Valentines Day!
I get a lovely swap from Leonie who lives in Australia.
She stiched me a Margaret Sherry cat and finished it as a coaster.
It was a perfect gift to me because I allways drink my coffee
on the living room.
The coaster has been on the table since I get it.
The grey smiling kitty in it looks just like our "girls".
Noni had studied my blog because she knew what is my style:
I get a very pretty perfume-bottle and
a luxury scissor-fob especially designed to me:
There is a pink kitten charm,crystal beads and a letter "M" on it.
You should really see it ,the picture is not that good.
Thank you Leonie, I really loved this swap !!!
It was so fun that we both love Margaret Sherrys cat-patterns!
With Blessings,

8 kommenttia:

  1. IHANA tuo sinun lähettämä pinkeep! ♥

  2. What a cute swap you received! Thanks for joining in. I had a great time.

  3. Noi vaihdot ovat kyllä tosi kivoja. Hauskaa että teillä oli saman suunnittelijan malli.

  4. Ihanat kisulit. Tosi hienot vaihdot. Hyvää ystävänpäivän iltaa/yötä!

  5. Suloiset vaihdot molempiin suuntiin. Tosi kauniisti olet viimeistellyt pinkeepin.

  6. Hi Maija, thank you so very much for wonderful treasures that you sent me from Finland and from your needle and stash :-) I was absolutely blown away by the box of goodies.

    I'm really pleased that you liked what I sent you. Can't believe that we both chose MS cats to send to each other!! Must be telepathy!

    I have enjoyed reading your blog over the last few weeks since we have been partnered up with the swap, and I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful stitching.

    I just noticed that you have asked about my cats - they are British Blues and are the sweetest of boys. They each have different personalities. Oscar is more the "old man" and Felix is still a little kitten at times - they are both the same age - 18 months old.

    Take care, look forward to keeping in touch, and thank you again for the gorgeous swap gifts.

    Leonie x

  7. Hi - my wife is Stitching Noni and I thought (if you don't mind) that I would also say "hello". I am a quilter and my blog is at - if you have time please take a peek at what I have been doing.

    Looking forward to staying in touch.
